Nursery • Preschool • Pre-Kindergarten
Celebrating over 50 years of educating and nurturing
young children in our local community.
433 Park Street
Upper Montclair, NJ
The Pilsbury Nursery Program will be the first school experience for many of our Nursery Class students. For this reason, our Nursery Class teachers work with an established, daily schedule, enabling our students to grow accustomed to a recognized routine and helping them transition into their new social and academic environment.
Enrichment Class
Enrichment Class is the Nursery Program’s lesson time. The class is broken down into three small groups, headed by one of our experienced and well-trained teachers. The Nursery School teachers zero in on their age group's abilities, challenging them appropriately. The Enrichment Class allows students to work together with their teachers and peers in a smaller group environment.
Our Curriculum is entitled ‘Building Language for Literacy’, a literature-based program developed by Scholastic Books. The Curriculum is designed to help students learn through stories they can relate to, with an emphasize on school, home and the community.
The goal of Enrichment Class is to get the students to talking about their ideas, sharing and learning to take turns.
Art & Music
Art projects and music are an essential part of our school day and coincide with our weekly themes. Our music and movement class encourages children’s self-expression and group participation. Children have the opportunity to use various forms of art mediums daily including: painting, coloring, music, dance, and teacher-directed art projects. 
Group Activities
Nursery-age children are ready to be in a group setting where they can learn how to interact with and respond to their peers and teachers. The Nursery Program emphasizes group activities throughout the school day. These group activities allow children to build social and communication skills within a nurturing and positive environment.
Lunch & Beyond/Structured Activities
The Nursery Program combines independent activities for students with Lunch & Beyond. Lunch & Beyond, both structured and free play, sparks each student’s imagination and creativity and makes for a well- balanced child.
Our play areas provide students with a variety early learning activities, games and toys to choose from and gives them the freedom and space to participate in both individual and group activities.
Outdoor and Indoor Lunch & Beyond activities help develop children's large motor skills as well as their social skills. Activities include outdoor sports (basketball, soccer), sandbox, climbing toys, cars, dress-up, train table, kitchen play and art projects.
Structured Activities enhance students' fine motor skills and help develop hand-eye coordination. These activities include: legos, puzzles, alphabet and numbers games, reading, and building blocks.